



Windows系統要更新Net FrameWorks 4.8以上,不然就是卡在那里订阅不能接受訂閱信息


In 2022, V2Ray has changed its mechanism and forced the use of AEAD. Please update and use it. You can't use it without an update!

Focus on updating the v2ray-core and subscription link of the client software, this is because AlterId=0, in other words the v2ray AEAD mode.

Regarding the version issue,  as long as you update V2Ray app/software on Windows/Mac/IOS, only if the nodes are working, it will work


The Windows system needs to update Net FrameWorks 4.8 or above, otherwise the subscription is stuck there and the subscription information cannot be accepted.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

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